Thursday, 21 March 2013

LO3- Simple and Complex Rythm

LO3-Simple and Complex Rythyms.
Rythym Notation.
Time signatures
The time signature tells you how many beats there are in each bar, and how long each beat is.
A time signature is made up of 2 numbers, one written above the other.

Duple=2 beats per bar
So, 2/4, 2/8, 2/2 are all Simple Duple.
o, 4/4 is “simple quadruple”, and so are 4/2 and 4/8 (rare), because the upper number is 4.


Triple=3 beats per bar. 3/2, 3/8 and 3/4 are all “simple triple” time signatures.

“Complex” time signatures are not qualified with “duple”, "triple” or “quadruple”, they are just called “complex”. For example, 7/8 and 5/4 are “complex” time signatures.Complex time signatures are a combination of duple, triple and/or quadruple times.
For example, 5/4 has five crotchets per bar. These crotchets can be grouped as 2+3, or 3+2. 7/8 has seven quavers per bar. These can be grouped as 3+4, 4+3 or even 2+3+2. The composer will use phrasing marks, (and beams on quavers or smaller notes), to indicate the groupings he/she wants.



Regular rythm uses time signatures such as 4/4 . This is straight time, simple time.


Dotted rythym is where you have a for instance a crochet but with a dott next to it so that it adds on half of the length of the croet effectivley playing 3 quavers instead of two but playing them full length. If the time signature is 6/8 then if you split the bar in to two beats then you have two dotted crochets.

Syncopation is where you play off the beat so on the half beats. for instance if it was in 4/4 and you were playing on the half beats ( 1 1/2 , 2 1/2, 3 1/2 , 4 1/2) then you would be playing a syncopated off the beat rythym.


Triplets are when you have more notes than needed fitted in to a shorter time. so a Triplet is £ beats in the space of two. There are common sayings to help people understand how to play them such as Pin-App-le.


Subdiving means dividing a note into other notes. for example , Semibreve, 2 Minnims, 4 crotchets.